Wow Destro Hexer Best In Slot
Hello everyone, I'm Bangerz, I'm going to take you through all the new changes in Shadowlands with destruction warlocks and how to tackle the new bosses/Mythic+ the best way possible. I have been a top-end raider for a long time and love giving information/tips to the community.
Welcome to our Destruction Warlock guide for World of Warcraft — Shadowlands 9.0.2. Here, you will learn how to play as a Destruction Warlock in both raids and Mythic+ dungeons: from the very beginning to maximizing your DPS. If you were looking for WoW Classic content, please refer to our Classic DPS Warlock guide. As stated by Blizzard, WoW Classic will have six phases, starting with Molten Core, Onyxia's Lair, and Maraudon, and ending with Naxxramas and the Scourge Invasion. We will be linking best in slot gear lists for every raid tier in this guide, which can be helpful in order to understand how to progress from hitting Level 60, to getting pre-raid best in slot and from then to clearing all raid.
What has changed
Wow Destro Hexer Best In Slot List
There actually aren’t any specialization ability changes coming for Destruction Warlock however let's talk about some of the new general warlock spells that are useful.
Fel Domination - Your next Imp, Voidwalker, Succubus, Felhunter, or Felguard summon spell has its casting time reduced by 5.5 seconds.
We have been given 3 new curses which are listed below, you can only have 1 curse active at a time;
- Curse of Tongues - Forces the target to speak Demonic, increasing the casting time of all spells by 30% for 30 seconds.
- Curse of Weakness - Increases the time between an enemy’s attacks by 20% for 2 minutes.
- Curse of Exhaustion - Reduces the target’s movement speed for 8 seconds.
General Rotation:
The general Rotation for Destruction Warlock is pretty simple.
Immolate on the target at all times, make sure you can track this so you have 100% uptime
Wow Destro Hexer Best In Slots
Incinerate is your filler spell which generates most of your Soul Shards, try not to use your backdraft stacks on Incinerate.
Chaos Bolt is your main Soul Shard spender, you want to make sure you never cap on Soul Shards. Also, make sure you use your Backdraft stacks on Chaos Bolts to reduce the cast time.
Havoc is your main 2 target cleave spell. You want to pretty much use this on cooldown whenever there are 2 targets up. Keep 1 stack of Conflagrate and have 3-4 Soul Shards ready for when you use Havoc.
Conflagrate has 2 charges (3 with the legendary in Shadowlands) ALWAYS make sure you have 1 stack on cooldown so it is recharging and use your backdraft stacks on Chaos Bolt.
Rain of Fire is your main AoE spell which does a lot of damage. Only use this if you know the mobs aren’t going to move or there are 3+ targets.
- Pre-cast Incinerate when there are 3 seconds left on the pull timer.
- Cast Cataclysm (if specced into this) which will then apply Immolate on the target.
- Cast Conflagrate (so that it can start recharging).
- Summon Infernal.
- Use Dark Soul: Instability or any on-use trinket.
- During your opener if you’re ever about to cap shards then cast a Chaos Bolt.
- During your Summon Infernal uptime try and fit in as many Chaos Bolts in as possible whilst generating shards through Incinerate and spend your Conflagrate backdraft stacks on Chaos Bolt.

- ALWAYS maintain Rain of Fire on 3 or more targets as long as the mobs don't move out of it.
- Keep Immolate maintained up to 8 targets, Cataclysm is great for doing this as it applies Immolate to all targets on impact.
- Havoc is worth using on fewer than 4 targets, as soon as there are 5 or 6+ targets you just want to be using Rain of Fire, however, you can still use Havoc to regenerate Soul Shards quicker to put out more Rain of Fires.