What Is The Height Of A Craps Table
Here are some frequently asked questions about the game of craps. They might have answers you werenâ??t expecting.
Re: Width of craps table Post by rhythm roller » Wed Aug 09, 2017 10:06 pm Guess that all would depend on your height maybe, If average to tall then you would want the bigger width to get out and up over the middle of the table to shoot (assuming a PARR toss or similar) and the bigger width would not matter in placing your own bets. The craps table always draws a crowd at the casino, perhaps because there's usually so much whooping and hollering coming from the players. My first efforts were two feet wide by three feet deep. Dimensions such as overall height, height of top of table from floor, width, etc. Build Your Own Craps Table.
Q: Some people say there are two aspects to the basic game of craps. What are they?
A: There is the Come-Out aspect, where the Pass Line bettor is hoping for a 7 or 11 and not the 2, 3 or 12 and where the Donâ??t Pass bettor is hoping for a 2 or 4 and not a 7 or 11. Thatâ??s part one. Part two is the Point Cycle where the shooter must make a point before the 7 shows for the Pass Line bet to win. Combining parts one and two, which you must ultimately do, the house edge is 1.41 percent on the Pass Line and 1.36 (or 1.4% on the Donâ??t Pass).
Q: Can you bet only one side of the game at a time? If you are betting the Lightside, do you have to have all your bets on the Lightside and not be able to bet the Darkside?
A: No, you can have some Lightside and Darkside bets up at the same time. Doing so doesnâ??t reduce the house edge, but there is no restriction on which side of the game you can bet at the same time.
Q: What about only betting on one number? Canâ??t you miss out on big rolls this way?

A: After the 5-Count, going up on only one number is a smart way to play. Yes, if someone has a big roll, you might not hit very often, but when those cold rolls occur, you will lose only one bet. The bottom line is this â?? it doesnâ??t matter! You will lose the house edge on the bets you make, whether you experience a hot roll, cold roll or mediocre roll. You save yourself money by betting on fewer rolls. You get to stretch out your money over time just betting one bet.
Q: What are crossroaders and railbirds?
A: A crossroader is a cheat or a criminal. A railbird is a person who stands next to you at a craps table and tries to steal your chips from your rail. When you arenâ??t protecting them or when you are shooting, the railbird scoops a couple up.
Q: What is an independent trial game?
A: Each decision is independent and not influenced by any decisions that have occurred in the past. A popular way to say this is, â??The dice have no memory.â? In craps, you could have the 12 come up five times in a row, and the odds of it coming up a sixth time are the same as they were for it coming up the last five times. What happened before has nothing to do with what will happen now. Craps is a random game. There will be streaks, but they are not predictable. Most players just canâ??t seem to get this through their heads. This has hurt more gamblers than you can imagine.
Q: What is a dependent trial game?
A: In blackjack, if all the aces come out of the deck, then there will be no blackjacks. What happens now is dependent on what happened in the past. Thatâ??s what makes card-counting possible. You keep track of what has just happened to make your betting and playing decisions on the next hand. In a random game of craps, this is not so.
Q: Is dice control an independent or dependent trial game?
What Is The Size Of A Casino Craps Table
A: That depends. If you are dealing with a skilled dice controller, he is changing the probabilities of the game. So the past performance of such skill tells you something about the future.
Q: What is a tub craps table?
A: You take a bath as you play. Just kidding. It is a small table about the size of a bathtub, handled by one dealer, with players seated around. You wonâ??t find many of these in casinos. Most craps players donâ??t feel the tubs give them the real feel of the game.
Q: How come shooters say they want the same dice when one die goes off the table? If the game is random, does it make a difference?
A: It is a harmless superstition based on the idea that because he hasnâ??t sevened-out yet, the dice must be doing the shooter some good service. He is afraid that if the dice get changed, the 7 will show up. And it will â?? about 17 percent of the time! (One 7 in six rolls = 16.67 percent.)
Q: Are all craps tables the same? Length, height, width?
A: No. Some tables are 10 feet long, others 12, 14 and 16 feet. Some tables have hard surfaces, some have what we call traditional surfaces, some are bouncy, and some are super-bouncy. The layouts come in various fabrics; also, the colors can be different. Some tables have seats for two box people. The width of the tables can differ, too. When you play, note how close or far the Pass Line is from you, and that will usually give you some idea of the width of the table. The height of the tables can be quite different, too; some tables are so high that shorter players have to get on their toes to shoot the dice. The only thing that seems to be relatively consistent is the height of the layout from the floor â?? usually about 28 inches.
Q: Is online craps the same as casino craps?
A: If the game is random, the game is random â?? either online or in the casino. You do miss out on the cheering and moaning of other players, but the results will be just like the random casino game. However, you canâ??t control the dice in an online game, so you are just playing into the houseâ??s edge with every bet.
Q: Iâ??ve heard the term â??naturalâ? at craps. What does that mean?
A: The 7 or 11 are the naturals on the Come-Out roll, just like a two-card 21 is a natural in blackjack and a 9 is a natural at baccarat. It means an instant winner.
For more free craps tips, visit www.gaminganddestinations.com/craps
What Is The Size Of A Craps Table
What Is The Height Of A Craps Table Set
Frank Scobleteâ??s newest books are â??Slots Conquest: How to Beat the Slot
Machineâ? featuring advantage-play slots that give the players the edge; â??Casino Craps: Shoot to Winâ? that comes with a DVD showing unedited controlled throws; â??Cutting Edge Craps: Advanced Strategies for Serious Playersâ?; and â??Beat Blackjack Now: The Easiest Way to Get the Edge.â? All books are available at bookstores, from Amazon.com or by calling 1-800-944-0406. If you would like a free monthâ??s subscription to Scobleteâ??s private site and/or a free brochure, email fscobe@optonline.net or call 1-800-944-0406.