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Are you looking to become a successful blackjack dealer? Find out the normal blackjack dealer job requirements and what training you need to be a blackjack dealer in Las Vegas or your local casino.
- However, soft 18 against a dealer ace when the dealer stands on soft 17 provides the only known exception that I am aware of for any number of decks. As my blackjack appendix 9 shows, a 2-card soft 18 vs A has an expected value of hitting of -0.100359, and of standing -0.100502.
- Female blackjack dealers are often subjected to sexual advances by players. In some casinos, blackjack dealers are even clad in lingerie. This makes things even worse. All in all, being a blackjack dealer has its ups and downs. Those who become blackjack dealers and love the profession do very well.
Blackjack Dealer Job Requirements
Recognizing blackjack dealer 'tells' is actually a great poker skill. You can sometimes read the dealer and determine what kinds of cards he may be holding because of subconscious actions or by facial movements. Reading the dealer at a blackjack table can in fact be extremely easy compared to poker players because the dealer himself wouldn't be. This 'mimic the dealer' strategy results in a house edge of 5.48%. Assume a ten in the hole: For this strategy I first figured out the optimal basic strategy under this assumption. If the dealer had an ace up, then I reverted to proper basic strategy, because the dealer would have peeked for blackjack, making a 10 impossible.
Blackjack Regeln Dealer Online
Requirements for becoming a blackjack dealer can vary from one casino to another. Generally, most casinos will require their blackjack dealers to have attended casino school. Some casinos even have their own dealer schools. In order to become a blackjack dealer you will typically need to apply with the casino and then follow their application requirements. If you already employed by the casino in some capacity you may have a slight advantage over others who are interested in becoming dealers.
In some casinos, you will need to attend an in-house training session. This typically lasts about two weeks; however, once again this can vary from one casino to another. Depending on the casino at which you are applying you may also need to audition in order to become a dealer. This typically involves dealing at a live action game. If you pass the audition, then you will generally be hired as a dealer and then begin work as a blackjack dealer.
Blackjack Dealer Hours
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The hours you will work as a blackjack dealer will also vary from one casino to another; however, it is not uncommon to work long hours. Some blackjack dealers will work ten hour days; working several days on and then having several days off. Many casinos also work what they call mandatory overtime. This means that if the casino is busy and they are short on dealers you must work overtime even if you had other plans. In the reverse of this, there may be times when the casino is not busy and you will be sent home early.
Become a Successful Blackjack Dealer
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In order to be an effective and successful blackjack dealer it is best to have good people skills since you will be dealing with people throughout much of your shift. Dealers often find themselves dealing to the same people for hours at a time.
As a dealer you should also be able to count quickly. Math skills are imperative to being a good blackjack dealer. You must be able to handle money, count out chips and deal the game accurately according to house rules.
The amount of money a blackjack dealer can make can vary. In Nevada, where there are certainly a number of casinos, dealers earn the minimum wage. Dealers make their real money through tips. Obviously, tips can vary but it is not uncommonly for a good dealer in a good house to make at least $75,000 per year.
The actual amount of a tip can vary. Some players tip very well, some do not tip at all. The real money is in the average amount of tips that you receive. Many players will tip straight out; however, some players will give the dealer the choice of a straight up tip or the bet of their choice. Taking the bet gives the dealer to make far more than they would with a straight up tip; however, they also run the chance that they will receive nothing.
Blackjack Dealer Tells
In order to be a successful blackjack dealer, it is important to always be aware of any tells you may be giving out. Savvy players are well aware that they can be on the lookout for tells from the blackjack dealers in order to improve their advantage.
Every dealer tends to have his own tells; however, there are some tells that tend to be quite common among dealers. For example, if the dealer has a hole card then it is common for the dealer to accidentally reveal this. When a dealer has a stiff card he or she may lift the card slightly more than normal just to make sure that the card is not an Ace. Likewise, if the dealer has a paint card then he or she may need to take a quick look at the under card. If the under card is a paint, the dealer’s glance at the card will usually be briefer than it was a number card.
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To use the basic strategy, look up your hand along the left vertical edge and the dealer's up card along the top. In both cases an A stands for ace. From top to bottom are the hard totals, soft totals, and splittable hands. There are two charts depending on whether the dealer hits or stands on soft 17.
Other basic strategy rules.
- Never take insurance or 'even money.'
- If there is no row for splitting (fives and tens), then look up your hand as a hard total (10 or 20).
- If you can't split because of a limit on re-splitting, then look up your hand as a hard total, except aces. In the extremely unlikely event you have a pair of aces you can't re-split and drawing to split aces is allowed, then double against a 5 or 6, otherwise hit.
Ideally, the basic strategy shows the play which, on average, will result in the greatest win or the least loss per initial hand played. The way I usually go about this is to look at the initial 2-card hands only. Generally, this will result in the overall best play. However, soft 18 against a dealer ace when the dealer stands on soft 17 provides the only known exception that I am aware of for any number of decks. As my blackjack appendix 9 shows, a 2-card soft 18 vs A has an expected value of hitting of -0.100359, and of standing -0.100502. So with two cards it is very slightly better to hit. However, not all soft 18's are composed of two cards. The more the cards in the player's hand the more the odds favor standing. Simulations show that if forced to always hit or always stand, it is better to stand. I would like to thank Don Schlesinger for bringing this unusual play to my attention.
Written by:Michael Shackleford