Bind Slot 1 Cs Go
by admin
Bind Slot 1 Cs Go 5,6/10 3028 votes
You can find many important Counter Strike Global Offensive (CSGO) binds on the internet but here I want to share my binds for this awesome game.
Quick Drop Gun Switch
Slot 12 is what you need to bind something to to use to change x-ray. It's the same bind used for one of the radio command lists. Counter-Strike: Global.
The above 'command' is actually made up of four different commands. The first command, 'bind 1 'slot1; clcrosshairsize 3';' binds the 1 key to two commands: the 'clcrosshairsize 3' command which will set your crosshair size back to 3, so that your crosshair will return to normal (change 3 to whatever your usual crosshair size is). — Read Me — Here's another quick tip for you all. This one is on how to bind your grenades in game for much more efficient use. I bind both my mouse4 and mouse5 buttons but you can bind.
alias -drop 'slot1'
Note that cl_autoweapswitch is set to 0. The purpose of this bind is to automatically switch to the new primary gun (Slot 1) when you drop your previous primary gun. This only works if you are close to the gun that you are planning to pick up.
Bind Slot 1 Cs Gol

Bind Slot 1 Cs Gold
alias +knifeinspect 'slot3'
bind 3 '+knifeinspect'
With this bind you only need to press button 3 and it will inspect the knife when the button is released. However this might not work if you have high ping.
Middle Range Grenade Throw
alias -midthrow '-attack;-attack2'

Note that I use 'alt' button for this. This bind is helpful to prevent myself from messing up the middle range throw. This bind may not work if pressed very quickly as it will just simply do a left-click throw.
Key Name | Bind Code |
1 / End | kp_end |
2 / Down Arrow | kp_downarrow |
3 / Page Down | kp_pgdn |
4 / Left Arrow | kp_leftarrow |
5 | kp_5 |
6 / Right Arrow | kp_rightarrow |
7 / Home | kp_home |
8 / Up Arrow | kp_uparrow |
9 / Page Up | kp_pgup |
0 / Insert | kp_ins |
. / Delete | kp_del |
/ (Slash) | kp_slash |
* (Multiply) | kp_multiply |
- (Minus) | kp_minus |
+ (Plus) | kp_plus |
Enter | kp_enter |
Insert | ins |
Delete | del |
Home | home |
End | end |
Page Up | pgup |
Page Down | pgdn |
Up Arrow | uparrow |
Left Arrow | leftarrow |
Down Arrow | downarrow |
Right Arrow | rightarrow |
F1 | f1 |
F2 | f2 |
F3 | f3 |
F4 | f4 |
F5 | f5 |
F6 | f6 |
F7 | f7 |
F8 | f8 |
F9 | f9 |
F10 | f10 |
F11 | f11 |
F12 | f12 |
1 / ! (Exclamation Mark) | 1 |
2 / @ (At Sign) | 2 |
3 / # (Number Sign) | 3 |
4 / $ (Dollar Sign) | 4 |
5 / % (Percent Sign) | 5 |
6 / ^ (Caret) | 6 |
7 / & (Ampersand) | 7 |
8 / * (Asterisk) | 8 |
9 / ( (Parenthesis Left) | 9 |
0 / ) (Parenthesis Right) | 0 |
A | a |
B | b |
C | c |
D | d |
E | e |
F | f |
G | g |
H | h |
I | i |
J | j |
K | k |
L | l |
M | m |
N | n |
O | o |
P | p |
Q | q |
R | r |
S | s |
T | t |
U | u |
V | v |
W | w |
X | x |
Y | y |
Z | z |
Space Bar | space |
- (Hyphen) / _ (Underscore) | - |
= (Equals Sign) / + (Plus Sign) | = |
[ (Bracket Left) / { (Brace Left) | [ |
] (Bracket Right) / } (Brace Right) | ] |
(Backslash) / (Pipe) | |
; (Semicolon) / : (Colon) | semicolon |
' (Apostraphe) / ' (Quotation Marks) | ' |
, (Comma) / < (Pointy Bracket Left) | , |
. (Period) / > (Pointy Bracket Right) | . |
/ (Slash) / ? (Question Mark) | / |
Backspace | backspace |
Tab | tab |
Enter | enter |
Caps Lock | capslock |
Shift Left | shift |
Shift Right | rshift |
Control Left | ctrl |
Control Right | rctrl |
Alt Left | alt |
Alt Right | ralt |
Left Mouse | mouse1 |
Right Mouse | mouse2 |
Middle Mouse | mouse3 |
Side Mouse 1 | mouse4 |
Side Mouse 2 | mouse5 |
Mouse Wheel Down | mwheeldown |
Mouse Wheel Up | mwheelup |